Only two tracks, but a total of almost thirty four minutes of music. The first track, Kisses, clocks in at 9:25 and the second super-long track will occupy over 23 minutes of your own personal history. The music is basic techno, and sets a nice mood to back your daily tasks around the house or as a soundtrack to your party. Great for listening to in any situation.
Tag Archives: Trance
Sound Set – Plasma / Venus In Flames
Psychomental – Soulscapes EP
Six tracks of awesome classic trance! Psychomental does trance and does it well. If you like to move, then here is three quarters of an hour of nonstop beats and synths that will get your feet on the floor and moving like theres no tomorrow. Hmm, this will be perfect for my trance powered planetary propulsion system…
Kliment – Time Revision A
Hamsa Lila
Is Hamsa Lila Trance? Or Rock? Or World? A little of all three, an acoustic band that does some jazzy trance numbers that will take you somewhere in between the earth and clouds. Ethnic instruments combine with modern dance beats and wonderfully smooth vocals that speak to that mysterious part of your mind that likes to adventure to exotic locations while you’re asleep. Give that bit of your brain what it wants – it wants some Hamsa Lila.