Well, finally after two days of trying, I’ve managed to post this. Seems WordPress puked and died on me a few days ago, so I decided to go ahead and upgrade to the latest version but it required the database to be at 4.1 or higher and of course – it was at 4.0. Gotta love it.
So here is gradient, with a release titled seashore. Four tracks, totalling 23:15, of awesome deep house vibes. This release is so smooth, so calm and relaxing. If you liked cie – bonbon then this is another for your collection.
This is a really nice story you posted on your website. I wish there is more till ill be back the next time. But i collected something about my favorite electronic music artists to keep you informed. I wrote some facts over one of my favorite musicians Schiller aka von Deylen and the new CD called Atemlos. Perhaps you like to check my posts.