IAMX – Bernadette

This is an unusual post for the orbit, in that I’m going to link you to a video instead of an entire album – and the album that the song comes from isn’t free. But this is too outstanding not to share. The artist, IAMX, is a mystery to me as today is the first time I’ve heard of him. But this song and video moved me extremely deeply. The photography uses an interesting effect – the “flipping” 3D effect usually applied to still images, is applied to video instead. The design of the piece has a distinct Phantom Of The Opera look and feel to it. The entire video is essentially a silver man with red hair and a black cloak in the dark in the woods, lamenting the idea of a girl he’s loved having left him and wishing he could exist with her in the real world. He seems like some sort of mischievous spirit released into our world who wishes to stay… really I can’t say more about this song and video, just go watch it and be moved.

IAMX – Bernadette