Category: Photography

  • Einstein – The Art Of Adam Magyar

    Adam Magyar is a Hungarian born artist with an unusual technique of capturing instants in time. Using gear that he built himself from high speed scanners, he records images from the vantage point of a subway train passing through a station that are unique in that they produce prints that can be as large as…

  • The Lens Is Standard, the Photos Anything But –

    Jerome Delay is a photographer for Associated Press who uses a 50mm F1.4 lens exlusively. He works in Africa, covering conflicts in various areas there, and captures amazing photos with his self imposed limitation. Here is a gallery of his work and a short article explaining his reasoning behind the choice of lens. The Lens…

  • Frogs and Moon

    So I went out tonight to try and snap a decent shot of the super-moon. I started out with a low ISO of 200 and aperture of 11 on my Canon 75-300 mm zoom. I wasn’t really getting satisfactory results though – that lens is hard to focus. Shutter speeds of around 125 – 320…

  • 25 Vintage Police Record Photographs «TwistedSifter

    So today I came across the website Twisted Sifter, an Australian image blog that has some great finds. This is one of them – police photos from the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s around Sydney and New South Wales. Warning – graphic images. 25 Vintage Police Record Photographs «TwistedSifter.

  • A Beautiful Video of the Daguerreotype Process

      Louis Daguerre invented the photographic process that bore his name in the late 1830’s. Today, Dan Carillo is still using the process to make stunning images. Here is a short article that profiles Dan along with a beautiful video in which Dan talks about his creative process – but he doesn’t get very technical.…

  • Jeff Bridges to Be Honored at International Center of Photography Dinner –

    An interesting article about the photography of Jeff Bridges, along with an excellent gallery. He uses a special wide-frame camera that allows some fairly unique shots, that he has been producing since the early 80’s. An interesting read and intriguing look into the creativity of one of my favorite actors. Jeff Bridges to Be Honored…

  • Poor Mans Macro

    Here are some shots of items I found out on Carolina Beach while visiting there with the family. What is poor mans macro, you ask? It’s simple. In lieu of an actual macro lens, you can take your normal lens off the body, flip it around backwards and take pictures through it. Now, you won’t…

  • DSLR Simulator from Canon

    Canon has an excellent simulator set up for the purpose of learning about DSLR photography. In a nutshell, there is an explanation of the basics – aperture, shutter speed, and ISO – and then a simulated camera that allows you to take a picture in manual, Av or Tv mode. It’s a great way to…

  • At Home with the Apollo 11 Astronauts, 1969 | Retronaut

    The always entertaining retronaut has an amazing series of photos of the daily life of Neil, Buzz and Michael. This is a very unique look into the lives of the astronauts and their families. At Home with the Apollo 11 Astronauts, 1969 | Retronaut.

  • Electrifying Photos of Flowers Being Zapped by 80,000 Volts

    Robert Buelteman is a California photographer who developed his own technique for capturing images of plant life using high voltage electricity and optical fibers. Kirlian Photography is the use of electricity to transfer an image of coronal discharge onto film. Robert has applied that to various parts of plants and flowers to create astounding images that…

  • Thierry Legault – Partial solar eclipse and transit of the Space Station from Oman

    Now this is just amazing. Astrophotography is one of my favorite things. Thierry Legault, a French engineer and photographer, managed to catch the ISS as it made it’s away in between the earth and Sun in January of 2011. The image is fantastic, almost sci-fi. Go to his homepage to see his other fine work,…

  • Terra Sacra Time Lapses

    Sean F. White is a photographer who has created an amazing time lapse video of various locations around the world. It’s about six minutes long and features locations such as the pyramids in Egypt, penguins in Antarctica, ancient trees in Africa and shots of the Milky Way out in the desert. There are many timelapse…