• Oakdale Cemetery

    Oakdale Cemetery

    In Wilmington, NC lies Oakdale Cemetery, a nearly 160 year old cemetery. It is filled with interesting little corners and gothic monuments. Some of these are fairly horrible to behold,…

  • Do this, don’t do that…

    Do this, don’t do that…

    This is a photo essay I did a while back on signs found in Carolina Beach, NC. After scouting around for signs, I began to realize a theme. Namely, ‘no…

  • Abandoned Boat Yard

    Abandoned Boat Yard

    A while back, I came across an abandoned boat repair facility. The building had been empty for some time, and the grounds had turned into a dumping place for garbage,…

  • Downtown Wilmington

    I love Wilmington. The historic area, that is. The rest of it, meh, not so much. But at any rate, I found a few shots laying around on an SD…

  • Urban Decay

    Urban Decay

    I’ve been haunting the alleys and sidewalks of downtown Wilmington with my camera for years now. Here are a handful of things you might see if you look hard enough…

  • Pond Lilies

    Pond Lilies

    I happened across a small drainage pond tucked away behind the Verizon store yesterday. I barely noticed it as I was driving up, and I happened to have my camera…

  • Haunted House

    Haunted House

    I’ve had my eye on a house over in Castle Hayne for quite some time – it’s abandoned, and I absolutely love abandoned places photography. So I stopped one day…