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Writings / Tales from the Negaverse, Chapter 74.
« Last post by bahgheera on October 28, 2011, 03:15:16 AM »
There's someone in my house.
I've lived here for years now,
So long I've forgotten when I first came here.
I've been here all this time,
All alone.
No visitors,
No vacuum cleaner salesmen,
No mailmen,
No paper delivery boy,
No census taker.
Just me,
And the dust that filters through the silent sunbeams
Every day.
But today is different
From all the days before,
Because today there is someone else
Inside the house, with me.
I can hear them downstairs,
Making noises,
It sounds like two,
Maybe three,
Talking to each other.
Talking, laughing, normal tones of conversation
As if they belong here.
Opening cabinet doors, looking in closets,
Creaking the floorboards,
Rattling open the window in the front room,
The one I like to sit near in the evenings
To watch the street when it rains,
As if I'm going to see someone I know walk by
Out on the sidewalk.
Now they are turning on the water in the kitchen sink,
That hasn't been used in so long,
That hasn't held a dish or a knife or fork or spoon,
For an age, or maybe two.
I need to investigate,
I need to go down and find out what they are doing,
I need to find out why they are here,
In my house, my fortress.
I turn to vapor, and drift silently
Down the staircase,
Without a sound, and I see them,
But they don't see me.
So I make them see me,
And they never come back.
Writings / Life in a nether house.
« Last post by bahgheera on October 28, 2011, 03:14:42 AM »
She lives in a room
In a house on a hill,
A fantastic entrapment,
A four story victorian nightmare,
Paintings that watch her,
Statues that stalk her,
Trap door, false wall, secret corridor,
Uncast shadows leading lives of their own.
Melancholy are the days,
The night time for wandering,
In her dressing gown,
Upstairs and down.
She spends her time here,
battling gryphon, goblin and goon.
She's lived among the shadows
So long, she's become one of them,
She's the sister of the moon,
And the beauty of her situation,
Can never be seen.
The Lyric Warehouse / Re: Ideas for song titles
« Last post by bahgheera on October 17, 2011, 10:59:12 AM »

Frequencies In A Can
The Lyric Warehouse / Life in a nether house.
« Last post by bahgheera on October 17, 2011, 10:56:52 AM »
She lives in a room
In a house on a hill,
A fantastic entrapment,
A four story victorian nightmare,
Paintings that watch her,
Statues that stalk her,
Trap door, false wall, secret corridor,
Uncast shadows leading lives of their own.
Melancholy are the days,
The night time for wandering,
In her dressing gown,
Upstairs and down.
She spends her time here,
battling gryphon, goblin and goon.
She's lived among the shadows
So long, she's become one of them,
She's the sister of the moon,
And the beauty of her situation,
Can never be seen.
Writings / Re: Characters
« Last post by bahgheera on August 19, 2011, 02:18:39 PM »
The Heart of Mon Minox - a mythical device, possibly a living creature, that grants it's user ultimate power to control the shape of the universe. It was rumored to have been created by the Bena Consortium in the days before the Opening. During the great upheaval that took place after the Opening, it was supposedly lost forever in a region of Nega-space that is beyond the reach of any civilization or form of space travel. It is said that even if someone could find it, it can only be handled by a creature that exists in all 11 dimensions.

Posi-space - a sort of alternate reality that exists in the seven dimensions outside the four that we perceive, in which many civilizations similar to normal space existed just after the time of the Opening. During the great upheaval all life in Posi-space ceased to exist when certain members of the Bena Consortium used the Heart of Mon Minox improperly for their own personal gain.

Nega-Space - a true alternate reality that sprung into being when the Bena Consortium ended life in Posi-space. Not exactly a copy, but not a complete opposite realm from Posi-space, the cultures and people there are very similar to the ones that once existed in Posi-space. There was no contact with anyone in Nega-space, or even any hint that it existed at all, until thousands of years after the time of the Opening.
Writings / People of the Stars
« Last post by bahgheera on March 20, 2011, 12:53:39 AM »
Why did they come here, the people from the stars?
They certainly left behind their lives,
Their loved ones,
Their peace of mind,
To come and experience our insanity.

How did they get here, the people from the stars?
Was it a rocket,
Or maybe a tesseract,
Or a wormhole?
A fiery trip on a pressurized chariot?
Comparable with nothing we can experience, to be sure.

When did they arrive, the people from the stars?
Was it a month ago, or an age?
Were they at Antioch,
Rome or Pompeii?
Did they council Da Vinci,
Oswald or McVeigh?

Which star did they come from, the people from the stars?
Castor, or Pollux?
Arrakis, Regulus or Rigel?
Or was it not a star at all,
But a hidden dark dimension,
Where in is out and near is far,
And maybe there,
Is here?

What did they do here, the people from the stars?
Were they content to simply observe,
Or take the hands on approach,
And direct matters
As they saw fit,
Exchanging Epics
For their own contrivances,
Creating an antiquity
Of their own design?

Where did they go, the people from the stars?
Out there,
Out there, the people of the stars.
Writings / Re: Characters
« Last post by bahgheera on February 09, 2011, 03:32:37 AM »
The Brotherhood of Shadows

The Twilight Army

Murk Wen Tourn - Quell's hatchet man and former partner. The partnership was dissolved when Quell discovered Murk's plan to kill him and take command of the Eidolon.

Sulair Rodra Rognet - mousy member of Quell's crew. An expert at getting into small spaces and containers sealed with extreme technology. Also Sulair excels at being undetected in certain situations, and he possesses extreme strength in spite of his physical appearance and demeanor.
The Lyric Warehouse / Lessons
« Last post by bahgheera on October 20, 2010, 01:46:09 AM »
I'm just the guy,
To administer a lesson,
So I'll keep it short,
And no time for questions.
Writings / Ectokynamics
« Last post by bahgheera on October 20, 2010, 01:42:07 AM »
I have recently been studying Ectokynamics under the tutelage of a mentor who shall remain nameless at this time. Ectokynamics is truly the answer to many of life's persistent, unanswered questions. Questions such as 'What were those lights in the sky last night over El Paso?', 'Why do I keep thinking I see someone at the end of the hallway?' and 'Why are waffles round?'

The planes of existence which we occupy are but a small part of the actuality of reality. The actuality of reality is a term used to describe the whole of existence, that which we can see and experience, and that which we can't normally see and experience. But rest assured, there are beings and creatures that do not completely exist in our dimension; that is, they exist right here with us, they can affect us, they can sometimes control us, and most people have no idea they exist. This is where Ectokynamics comes in. A practitioner of Ectokynamics can actually begin to interact with the other planes of existence and the beings that inhabit them. Among the planes of existence is one particular reality, which I will refer to as Negaspace. Negaspace is home to human like creatures called Neutroids. It is the Neutroids that we must be first and foremost concerned with when dabbling in Ectokynamics.

There are several techniques involved in practicing Ectokynamics, and I will give a brief overview of them here.

Technique #1: Mental Refraction

Mental Refraction is a way of calming yourself. Only when you are truly calm can you begin to phase your mind out of this reality and into Negaspace. The way mental refraction works is this: first you must imagine yourself as a beam of light. Imagine the beam of light is not so much like a beam of light, but more like a loaf of bread baked from ingredients made out of the wave-like particles that make up the inter-dimensional fabric that holds the universe together. Now imagine that someone is spreading butter on the bread. Now focus this thought onto a nearby object. When performed properly, the object should take on a distinct green glow; this is your first step on the road to Negaspace! The glowing green object you have created is now a doorway, for lack of a better term, to an alternate reality.

Technique #2: Focal Audio Resonance Technique

Begin by talking to the object you've given your mental refractive energy to. Talk to it in a calm, soothing voice. Give it a name. Lets say our object is cell phone; the name you've picked for your cell phone is Mortimer Nebleth. Tell Mortimer Nebleth that it is the most important object in the universe; in actuality, it is the most important object in the universe as long as it is still resonating with the mental refractive energy that you have given it. As long as it remains in a refractive state, anything that happens to this object affects everything in the universe, in all dimensions.
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