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Topics - bahgheera

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The Lyric Warehouse / Daydreams
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:23:57 PM »
I can see the daydreams in your eyes.

Physics / Hi everyone
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:22:39 PM »
So lets get this thing started.


General Conversation / Renouncement of Christianity?
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:26:34 AM »
Some stuff no one ever thinks about.

When you tell someone you're a Christian, it turns their mind off. They've already put you in the box you belong in. They already know you will act a certain way because thats how Christians act, isn't it? After all, thats what 'Christians' have been telling the world for centuries, isn't it?

People think that the Christian religion is all about getting close to God by being good. The world just doesn't get it, because the message brought to them by Christians for so long has been the exact opposite of the truth. The message has been 'Act like us to go to heaven. And by the way, act like the holiness church down the road if you want to go straight to the flames.' Ok, that may be an extreme and dated (read: 70's) example, but you know what I mean.

The worst thing that ever happened to Christianity is Christians.

And now, the last two decades have seen a change in the church. The church is now no longer a place where you must endure a sermon damning you to everlasting hellfire and torment. No longer a place where boring organ music accompanies hymns sung by the congregation. No, now the church is HIP! COOL! Now we have rock 'n' roll baby! Now we have a coffee shop, a book store, an atm and if you can't make it to church on Sunday morning, just stay at home and watch the service on your blackberry! Giant screens with full blown multimedia presentation, productions of the praise service to rival major concert efforts... so much money spent on making us Christians acceptable to the outside world. And when the songs are over, the audience claps. But who are they really clapping for?

I know, I know. Some people 'need' that. And I don't really know where I stand on the issue of the great big Wal-Mart style church, the McChurch with concert type praise bands and fog machines and special effects and whizzing lights all over the place and 'would you like fries with that?' Maybe thats ok, or maybe it isn't - but darn it, it sure is trendy and popular. 'Sure, can I get it supersized, please?' I mean, I don't want to get my Jesus at a drive through window.

At any rate, all of this falls under the category of what Christians do. They're good. They don't cuss, drink, smoke, etc. Thats how the world looks at us. And when a Christian *does* cuss, drink, or smoke, the world looks at them with a disdainful eye and says to themselves 'MmmHMM. Should have known.'

Now, if you tell someone you're a follower of Jesus, if you tell them your a seeker of truth through Jesus, well now - that will get a quite different response I believe. That will cause that persons brain to *not* shut down, but to actually have a thought! You've broken out of the box that Christians are stuck in - now you're something else, something people have never heard of before. 'A follower of Christ? What do you mean?'

So when I say I have renounced my Christianity, obviously I don't mean I no longer believe in God or the Bible, etc. I simply mean that I am leaving the religion that Christianity has become. Because that's pretty much all that Christianity is these days - another religion.

And don't say that I've decided to focus on 'spirituality' either. Spirituality is just a nice word that's been made up to mean Religion, it's bull. It's PC to say spirituality when referring to someone's religion. So PLEASE don't apply that word to me.

Thank you, and good night. ;)

The Lyric Warehouse / The End
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:26:31 AM »
I gave up my ways
So you and I could coexist
But you keep the conflict alive
All the while
Claiming I'm the aggressor.

Writings / Eidolon
« on: September 06, 2008, 10:29:14 PM »
Quell woke with a start. Blackness. A dim green glow slowly began to creep into his vision. Green indicator lights, gauges and controls on the panel in his tiny compartment materialised out of the blackness. He came to remember where he was. Nowhere. Not remembering how long he'd been there, and not really caring. Floating on a random course through the Great Never, somehow lucky to survive the disaster he had brought on himself and his crew.

And was it worth it? He didn't think so, although he had at first.

He hadn't intended for life to go this way; hadn't intended to cross the line, to operate on the wrong side of the law. But in the vast emptiness, where you don't see another living soul for months on end, it's too easy, too tempting not to create a law of your own. And that was exactly what Quell had done, created his own law, his own moral code, and it didn't exactly take into account the feelings and well being of those around him. He'd just pushed a little at first, but as it occurred to him what it would take to get what he needed, he pushed more, and more, until one day it was obvious to him where he stood with regard to the laws of men. And he wasn't proud of it. But it was much too late to go back now, he was too close to his ultimate goal, to the thing he wanted most in life. That golden apple hung so close, he could almost reach out and touch it - in fact, yes! There it was, dangling from a shimmering branch, extending out of a mist of dreams and memories, from his fears and psychoses, there was the apple, golden, reflecting the warmest sunlight, a cool summer breeze wrapping itself around him, pleading with him to reach out, grab the fruit, the fruit that was especially cultivated, tended to by mystic forest gardeners for decades, all for him, the one man in the universe who was destined to own this pome of life. And as he reached out, fingers grasping, hand extending - he felt the glass front of the escape pod he was imprisoned in, the vision exploded in a thousand fiery filaments, and he was back in reality, back in his own tiny universe inside the pod, back on his way to nowhere in particular and at speed.

Quell continued his midnight drift. Empty mind. Trying not to think about anything. Least of all his predicament. For the only ship that was within a thousand light years of him lay just aft, five days distant by his reckoning, in millions of tiny, cindered pieces. For these five days, he'd been alone. Nothing to occupy, no one to engage the mind, and Quell already felt he may be losing his grip on reality, on his sanity.

Scanning the control panel for the millionth time, he noted - enough air and water for several weeks, food for possibly longer. The automatic guidance system of his pod had avoidance and collision recognition, and would keep him relatively safe from the occasional lump of ore and ice that lumbered across his path through this particular corner of the universe, displaying each one in detail on the tiny radar screen in the center of the console, this rock so distant, that one not so, this angle of trajectory and that. Looking at the console, there were a handful of these objects within several kilometers of him right now. And something else - there on the radar screen so faint and blinking so slowly he almost missed it, a contact.

The Lyric Warehouse / Thoughts
« on: August 31, 2008, 10:01:14 PM »
Ideas tear themselves like thunderbolts from the firmament of my mind.

Explorations / Places to point your Songbird
« on: August 31, 2008, 04:46:48 PM »
If you don't know about Songbird, go get it now! Its an internet based music player. If you don't know what that means, think of it as using the internet as your music library. Just go get it and try it out. And then take it to:

OOC / Ha ha ha
« on: August 31, 2008, 04:43:34 PM »
Well this whole veil side thing was a bit pointless, eh?


The Lyric Warehouse / Thine Own Self
« on: August 09, 2008, 12:39:37 PM »
Be true.

Be false.

Be honest,

be a liar.

OOC / Disband Veil Side?
« on: July 26, 2008, 09:55:48 PM »
Here's the deal. One night a guy named Reynalt called for low levels to help start an org. A few enthusiastic folks answered his call, and before we new it, Veil Side was born.

Raynalt was a great org president... for about a day and a half. He went AWOL. Now no one has any access to the org, no way to advance / upgrade / invite new members.

So - the current feeling among the members who actually inhabit org chat is that we should leave Veil Side and reform as a new, serious org.

Please post your thoughts on this.

OOC / Well Well Well
« on: July 26, 2008, 08:58:52 PM »
Isn't this a fancy shmancy little thing we have here...

Members of Veil Side, if we're going to start this org off, then lets go!

The Lyric Warehouse / Waiting in the Wings
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:07:05 PM »
The good old days
Are still waiting in the wings
The song I sing
Means so many different things.

Gold turns black
And right is wrong
And the days of old
Are coming on strong.

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