Poor man’s macro

[singlepic id=232 w=240 h=160 float=left]Macro lenses are hard to come by if you’re on a shoestring budget. Luckily, there is a trick for us DSLR owners. Simply turn your lens around backwards. I experimented this evening with the technique, and got some surprising results while shooting a bouquet of roses that I gave to my wife on Valentines day. It took some experimenting to get just right – you must focus by moving closer to and farther from the subject, and the position of the focus ring, as well as the zoom, determines the focus distance. But once you get the hang of it, it’s fairly easy and makes for some fantastic results. The photos you see here are straight out of the camera, except for being resized.
Give it a shot, then leave a link to your result in the conmments!

[singlepic id=233 w=240 h=160 float=left]

[singlepic id=231 w=240 h=160 float=right]





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